In the first quarter of this year QHarmony was the charity of the bottle deposit appeal of Coop Walraven. We are happy to tell you that we have raised the amazing total of €1785,20!!! We would like to thank everyone who donated their bottles or crates!
The SuperQool Q-Quarantine Quiz 2.0
Because we still cannot rehearse on Wednesdaynight there was another SuperQool Q-Quarantine Quiz. The Trumpets ‘n Roses tried their very best to get revenge for their second place from last time, but unfortunately were once again kept from the throne. This time because of the UnderdoQs. It was really nice to see and hear everyone…
Anjeractie 2020
It’s that time again, the annual Anjeractie! From now on, this collection of the Cultuurfonds will no longer be on the street, but digitally. This is done by clicking on the link below and then you can set an amount yourself that you want to donate to Q! Because of the Corona, many activities have…
Corona Update
We would like to give you an update on the activities of QHarmony. Unfortunately Nijmegen Klinkt is canceled due to the corona measures and we had to cancel our concert trip to Slovenia. In addition, the Vierdaagse has been cancelled, as have the intro markets and that is why these perfomances of NSK TeQuila won’t…
Online Bata 2020
Unfortunately, the Batavierenrace was cancelled this year, but fortunately, there was an alternative: the online Batavierenrace! The members of a team had to run a total of 125 km to participate and, of course, a few sporty members of Q participated! After having ran enough kilometers, the weekend concluded with an online drink!
Yesterday the members of QHarmony could join in a pubQuiz arranged by the board. After a tough competition with a tie in the end, the QamermuziQanten were awarded the winners after a bonus question!
We may live in a lockdown, it’s still Kingsday in the Netherlands! That’s why we play our national anthem today 🎶👑
Successful pubQuiz at Tappers!
Last Friday evening, Tappers Nijmegen hosted an online pubquiz. Q’ers regularly come to this pub and so, several members took part in this quiz. It was an amusing and successful quiz and the QTeam “Oude BoQQen” even managed to reach 3rd place! Therefore, thank you Tappers for this awesome evening!
Introducing committees: the Application Committee!
Today we introduce you to the application committee. This committee will be responsible for the application procedure in our search for a new conductor. We have tried to make sure the whole orchestra is represented in this committee and therefore have three brass players, four woodwind players and one percussionist: Joost, Sara, Sven, Loes, Marie,…
Thank you Jan!
Several members share their best memories of Jan as the conductor of QHarmony to thank him! Loes My most beautiful musical memory with Jan is without a doubt the fairytale concert of last year. During this concert he didn’t only have the job of conducting the orchestra but also had to make sure the story and the…