Last Thursday, QLite gave a performance at the leaving of the chairman of the executive board from the HAN. A clarinet quintet performed the famous piece “Celebrated Air” from Bach in a musical intermezzo. It was a beautiful and successful performace with which QHarmony contributed to this gathering! A video can be found on Facebook…
Category: News
Rehearsal day & Diner Rouler
The members of QHarmony had to go out of bed early yesterday, because it was time for the rehearsal day to practice for the liberation concert on the 15th of April! After rehearsing for 5 hours led by the guest director Arjan Eek, some members had to go home quickly. Several meals had to be…
Easter action 2020!
On the 12th and 13th of April, we will be celebrating Easter! Since everyone wants to enjoy all the delicious Easter treats during this weekend, QHarmony is selling the best Easter eggs, Easter cookies and unleavened bread! 50% of the earnings will directly go to the orchestra, so it is for a charity as well!…
Carnival is over, so lets go to the COOP!
Alaaf fellow Carnival fanatics! We hope you all had a great Carnival (we certainly did). Do you have some empty beer crates or bottles at home after these awesome festive days? Bring them to Coop Walraven for the bottle deposit appeal and press on the donation button! this action runs till the 31st of March,…
Michiel is the new Commissioner Internal!
Michiel Bibbe was chosen as the new Commissioner Internal of QHarmony at yesterday’s rehearsal and as a result, the board of Q is complete again! Michiel is very excited and we will make sure it will be a great time!
QLadiesnight & QMensnight
On Tuesday the 11th of February the men and women of QHarmony were temporarily separated for the QMensnight and the QLadiesnight! The men had a lot of fun with a beer tasting and tour at Brouwerij de Hemel. The women on the other hand were mixing some nice drinks at Tappers during a cocktailworkshop. After…
Successful PubQuiz about Slovenia!
As you know the concert trip to Slovenia is coming closer. To test the knowledge of our members about Slovenia, a Slovenian pubquiz took place last Thursday. After varying question about Slovenian food and music, team Qoe managed to have the most knowledge about Slovenia and won the successful pubquiz! Congratulations!
Introducing committees: the board!
Hello everyone! All the committees of Q were introduced to you in the previous months, but all these committees should be held under control. That is our job, the board of Q! We keep the overview of our association and we make sure everything runs smoothly within the committees. Furthermore, we maintain connections with our…
QLite performance
Last Thursday afternoon, two of our members performed at the opening of the Teaching and Learning Centre of Radboud University. The banner was revealed while the happy sounds of ‘I like to move it’ were audible.
Introducing committees: the Cash Check Committee!
The audit committee has the task of checking the treasurer and providing advice where necessary. Looking through all papers twice a year to find any deviations is not an easy task. We might be a small committee and act mostly in the background, but what would Q be without clean finances?